Jutta Schmidt Machado
PhD in Social and Cultural Anthropology

I am pleased to welcome you to my website.
Here I offer an overview of my fields of work and research.

Services in consultancy:

for public, private and civil society organizations in Europe, Latin America and Africa.

Contact: jsm(at)forum-global.de


Work experience:

Independent Consultant

August 2006 - Present

Working as international consultant for Social Impact Analysis, Monitoring & Evaluation, Natural Resource Management for international organizations and private companies in Europe, Latin America and Africa.

Research Associate - University of Cologne

March 2003 - July 2006

Research Associate, Responsible for the social and economical branch of the Brazilian-German Programme BIOCAPSP (Biodiversity in Fragmented Landscapes in the Atlantic Plateau in the Region of São Paulo) funded by CNPq and the German Ministry of Science and Education (BMBF)

Consultant - GFA Terra Systems GmbH, Hamburg

December 2001 - February 2003

Junior Expert - GFA Terra Systems GmbH / GTZ-project PRORENDA RURAL CE, Brazil

October 2000 - November 2001

Consultant in own company (GbR), Cologne

1999 - 2000

Scholarship - ASA-Programme/CDG, Bonn and CED/Cameroon

08/1997 - 10/1997

Study: "Comparative Analysis of Baka and Bantu Agricultural Production Systems"

Publications / Papers / Blog posts:

Schmidt Machado, Jutta (2015) A revolução dos dados está chegando! A III Conferência Internacional de Dados Abertos publica o relatório final, traçando um roteiro guia para Dados Abertos. In: Colaboratório de Desenvolvimento e Participação / USP, 03.09.2015. http://colab.each.usp.br/?p=323

Craveiro, Gisele; Machado, Jorge A. S.; Schmidt Machado, Jutta (2015) Open Government Data Initiatives and its Impacts on Citizen Empowerment: the case of ‘example’ Caring For My Neighborhood ‘example’ (paper presented at the Open Data Research Symposium, May 27th 2015, Ottawa, Canada). http://www.forum-global.de/jm/2014-2015/Open-Government-Data-Initiatives-SP-Brazil.pdf

GPOPAI/ COLAB, USP; ODDC (2015) Exploring the impacts of web publishing of budgetary information at the sub-national level in Brazil. The case study of the Cuidando do Meu Bairro (Caring for My Neighborhood) Project in São Paulo. http://colab.each.usp.br/gicr_relat_7_pb_single.pdf

Machado, Jorge; Schmidt Machado, Jutta (2015) Brasil é o 38. país em ranking de Governo Aberto. In: Open Knowledge Brasil, 10.04.2015. http://br.okfn.org/2015/04/10/brasil-e-o-37-pais-em-ranking-de-governo-aberto/

Schmidt Machado, Jutta (2015) Vítimas de violência ganham uma voz para serem visíveis. In: Open Knowledge Brasil, 06.04.2015. http://br.okfn.org/2015/04/06/vitimas-de-violencia-ganham-uma-voz-para-serem-visiveis/

Schmidt Machado, Jutta (2014) Hackathon de Gênero e Cidadania da Câmara dos Deputados.In: Colaboratório de Desenvolvimento e Participação / USP, 19.12.2014. http://colab.each.usp.br/?p=183

Schmidt Machado, Jutta; Machado, Jorge (2014) Alemanha tem primeiro projeto estatal para melhoria da Wikipedia do mundo. In: Open Knowledge Brasil, 06.10.2014.

Schmidt-Silva Machado, Jutta (2012) Landnutzung, Biodiversität und Naturschutz. Eine Fallstudie über die Nutzung privater Waldfragmente der Mata Atlântica im Biosphärenreservat Grüngürtel der Stadt São Paulo, Brasilien. Dissertation, Universität zu Köln. kups.ub.uni-koeln.de/4818/4/Schmidt_Machado_Landnutzung_Biodiversitaet_Naturschutz.pdf

Translated title:

Schmidt-Silva Machado, Jutta (2012) Land Use, Biodiversity and Nature Conservation. A Case Study on the Use of Private Forest Fragments of the Atlantic Forest in the São Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve, Brazil. PhD thesis, University of Cologne.

Translated abstract:
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest, the Mata Atlântica, is a prime hot spot of biodiversity, and therefore, it has priority protection status in the global community. Within the past 500 years, the stock of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest has been reduced from over one million square kilometers to just seven to eleven percent of the original extent of the biome. About two-thirds of the Mata Atlântica is privately owned, and despite numerous conservation initiatives, deforestation and threats to animal and plant species persist. This PhD thesis explores the use and management of private forest fragments of the Atlantic Forest in the São Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve, and illustrates the complex interdependence of land use, biodiversity, and nature conservation. This study aims to identify the specific uses and perception of the Mata Atlântica and other local forms of land use by traditional farmers, Japanese immigrants, and the urban population and analyzes the internal and external factors influencing the implementation of conservation policies. As important forest fragments are located in close proximity to the mega city of São Paulo, this study also examines the influence of the commute of inhabitants of the agglomeration of São Paulo to the neighboring communities and the resulting pressure on forest fragments. For the collection of qualitative and quantitative data, an 18-month field research project was conducted in the municipality of Ibiúna in the São Paulo City Green Belt Biosphere Reserve between 2003 and 2005.

Dittmar Jenrich and Jutta Schmidt Machado for the GFA Consulting Group GmbH on behalf of The World Bank:
The World Bank (2006) Guinea-Bissau. Land Tenure Issues and Policy Study (P095319) https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/12465/689840ESW0P0950re0Issues000Policies.txt?sequence=2

Jell, Britta; Schmidt-Silva Machado, Jutta: 2002: "Collaborative Management of the National Park Lobéké, Potentials and Constraints involving the local Population". Ed.: Casimir, M.; Rao, A.: Nomadic Peoples. NS Vol. 6, Issue 1. 

Schmidt Machado, Jutta; 2000: "Demarcando as terras indígenas. Experiências e desafios de um projeto de parceria. FUNAI, PPTAL, GTZ. Brasília" (Review). In: Entwicklungsethnologie. Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Entwicklungsethnologie. Heft 2000 / 9. Köln, S. 124-125.

Schmidt-Silva Machado, Jutta: "Konfligierende Landnutzungsstrategien im Regenwald Kameruns: Wirtschaftlicher Wandel in einem globalisierten Kontext bei den Baka in der Region Lobéké. Magisterarbeit. Universität zu Köln, 12/1999.

Schmidt, Jutta: "Die Frau hält aus. Mutterschaft - die Kluft zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit in Angola". Ed. Issa, Informationsstelle Südliches Afrika: Afrika - Süd. Zeitschrift für das Südliche Afrika Nr.6, Nov./Dez. 1998, Bonn, S.28-29.

Schmidt, Jutta: "Die Rikbaktsa ...etwas über das Leben eines Urwaldvolkes. In: Lateinamerika Anders Panorama Nr. 4, 26.3.1996, Bonn.


Ciência Aberta Ubatuba - Tropixel.5.6.2015

Studenten und Karriere: Basteln an der eigenen Biografie. by Jan Friedmann and Markus Verbeet. Unispiegel. 01.04.2005.

Protecting Africa’s Protected. by Kevin P. Corbley. GEOEurope May 1999. pp. 34 to 35.

Ein einzigartiges Ökosystem. HNA.12.9.1995

Brasilien - Indianer. Helfen mit begrenzten Mitteln.. HNA.16.11.1995


Membership in professional associations / research groups: